This video is the complete dash cam video of the stop including the interior cam of the ride to the hospital. 
Note: The video is a huge file. please allow some time for it to load.

When you look at the video listen for how many times the trooper Laskey told me to get out of the car.
Look for how many times Trooper Laskey asked me my name. He knew who I was when I showed him my driver’s license when I held it up to the window. Laskey testified in court that he never asked me to get out of the car. listen to the lies of Trooper Grassmyer tell the others that I had a history of threatening the police and, I carried a gun to Bedford. Everything he said was all lies. Notice how they cropped the video to black out what happen when they took me out of the right side of the automobile. Laskey could have unlocked the door on the left side where another trooper was standing, but Laskey wanted credit for the arrest. This is testimony on the transcripts. While the troopers were walking around the automobile I was on the phone calling 911 and asking for an ambulance, because I believe I was going to be miss treated, plus the fact I had been having chest pains all day and had been doctoring for high blood pressure. They never did sent an ambulance out. More later.
